Thursday, 17 October 2013

Congratulations to our friends at The Dorsal Effect - A fantastic shark conservation project in Lombok Indonesia

Trawangan Dive would like to congratulate our friend Kathy Xu from the Dorsal Effect who has recently won the Singapore International Foundation (SIF) Young Social Entrepreneurs (YSE) Program award. The Dorel effect Team was amongst 4 winning teams, each winning $10,000 aimed at kick starting their projects.

The Dorsal Effect is a Lombok based ecotourism and leisure travel company that aims to promote shark conservation through alternative livelihood for the fishermen. Their vision is to provide future generations with a chance to see sharks alive in the oceans, rather than only through picture books. Protecting the apex predators like sharks also helps maintain the marine ecosystem that provides vital services like oxygen generation. Ultimately, this helps the human species by keeping the balances in the earth’s ecosystems.

The project aims to promote shark conservation and sustainable livelihood for shark fishermen through alternative livelihood generated by ecotourism and educational awareness. The general aim of the project is to organize day excursions  to be taken on a boat expedition run by once shark fishermen, off the shores of Tanjung Luar to Sumbawa and Gili Trawangan.

We here at Trawangan Dive believe that SITES has done a great job providing for shark protection through the mean of legislation, and the Dorsal Effect is combatting this Global problem from a completely different angle, actually helping remove those that are actively involved in shark fishing and finding an alternative means of lively hood.

If you are interested in getting involved with the project or simply wish to take one of their excursions check out the DorsalEffect website. Or if you are already in Gili Trawangan than pop in Trawangan dive and speak to one of our conservation experts or find one of our GoPro team members who are in full support of this fantastic project and will to do anything to help its development.

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